Textbooks by CAPD Faculty |
- Process Flowsheeting
by A. W. Westerberg, H. P. Hutchison, R. L. Motard, P. Winter (1979)
- Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design United States Ed Edition
by Lorenz T. Biegler, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg (1997)
- Convexification and Global Optimization in Continuous and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming:
Theory, Algorithms, Software, and Applications
by Mohit Tawarmalani, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis (2002)
- Nonlinear Programming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Chemical Processes
by Lorenz T. Biegler (2010)
- Advanced Optimization for Process Systems Engineering
by Ignacio E. Grossmann (2021)